The aim of any person

The aim of any person who sits at {=ContentLink.print(2009-07-01 01:13:41,, online blackjack)} or poker table is to win. In the {=ContentLink.print(2009-07-15 10:48:07,, roulette wheels)} you win by guessing the number, in {=ContentLink.print(2010-05-13 18:53:37,, online casinos)} card games you win by having a stronger hand than the dealer's. The objective of every poker variation is to get the best winning poker hand from the pocket or hole cards and community cards. Here we offer the list of all possible poker hands from the strongest to the weakest. To describe the examples of all cards combinations we applied abbreviations: C - Clubs, H - Hearts, D - Diamonds, S - Spades, J - Jack, A - Ace, K - King, Q - Queen.

Royal Flush is counted as the strongest winning poker hand that is the straight flush (the succession of cards with one suit) from Ace to 10: AC, KC, QC, JC, 10C.

Straight Flush is any five

Straight Flush is any five cards in sequence with one suit. For instance: 9D, 10D, JD, QD, KD.

Four of a Kind

Four of a Kind is the hand that contains four cards with the same rank. The suit does not matter. For example: JS, JD, JC, JH, KH.

Full House is the poker

Full House is the poker hand of three cards with the same value and two other cards of another rank no matter suit is. For instance: QS, QD, 9S, 9D, 9C.

Flush contains any five cards from one suit. For instance: 9H, JH, KH, 2H, 5H.

Straight is poker hand which contains five cards consecutively numbered no matter their suit. In the Straights Ace can be counted as the strongest or weakest card. For example: 6S, 7D, 8C, 9C, 10H.

Three of a Kind is the hand that has three cards from one value. The suit isn’t taken into consideration. For example: KD, KC, KH, 8S, 2C.

Two Pair is poker hand which contains two cards of the same value and two cards with another rank. In this hand the cards suit is not taken into account. For instance: 5C, 5D, 10S, 10D, AH.

One Pair is poker hand which has two cards with one value. For instance: 9D, 9S, 7S, 5H, 2H.

High Card is the poker hand which does not contain the mentioned above combinations. The rank of High Card hand is determined by the strongest card. For example: 3D, 5H, 10C, 7S, AS.

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